Power consumption measurement for virtual commissioning

27. April 2022




When designing for the virtual commissioning of machines, the Homag Predevelopment department relies, among other things, on an intelligent solution from Olmatic. Power consumption measurements are implemented in the joint project using sample workpieces to determine exemplary power consumption in HOMAG throughfeed machines of the HOMAG Edgeteq S-500 type. The aim of these measurements is to validate the power consumption models of the virtual commissioning. This effectively minimizes the risk of any planning errors, including with regard to the machine connected load, and further optimizes the quality of the machines and systems.

Thanks to the Olmatic software, the actual and effective values ​​of the active power of the electrical consumers can be recorded and saved. In addition, the parameters of the power consumption in HOMAG machines are recorded simultaneously at several different measuring points. The data transfer takes place via a central Olmatic gateway, which automatically analyzes all data stocks and visualizes them for the customer.

“All of Homag’s individual requirements could be implemented without major difficulties. The measurements are automated and require little monitoring or intervention on the part of the user.” Ludwig Albrecht, Senior Manager Predevelopment at HOMAG GmbH in Schopfloch.

Link to the HOMAG Edgeteq S-500 machine under consideration: https://www.homag.com/produktdetail/kantenanleim-maschinen-edgeteq-s-500-optimat-und-profiline

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